I love Milestone Sessions! You might be asking, what exactly is a milestone session?

Babies grow so fast! One minute they’re a sleepy newborn, next they’re rocking tummy time and giggling at you. Before you know it, they’re sitting up on their own and learning how to crawl but that’s not all! Usually by 1 year they’ve learned to not only walk, but run and you’re thinking “I swear, just the other day you were a little 8lb baby who did nothing but eat, sleep and poop”
These are all their milestones and I love capturing those special moments!
I typically book each milestone around 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months but it doesn’t have to be those exact times. Every baby is different and they all achieve their milestones at different times. Sometimes they aren’t rocking that tummy time at 3 months, so I’ll have you come in around 4-5 months. Other times they haven’t mastered sitting up just yet at 6 months, so we wait a month or two and schedule your Sitter session when… well, they can sit up on their own.
Enjoy a little behind the scenes look at an 8 month milestone session!