Dallas Newborn Photographer
Meet Henry. Henry’s Mom scheduled his newborn session as soon as she found out she was pregnant. This was her second baby and she was well versed on planning ahead to make sure I was available, so she was prepared!
What she wasn’t prepared for was for her little baby to arrive wayyyyy earlier than they had planned. Mom had high blood pressure with her first son, so they knew to be on the look out with this pregnancy and once she hit the 26 week mark, she went in for a regular check up and her doctor immediately sent her to L&D because it was time! She was on a verge of having a stroke, that’s how high her blood pressure was.
So off they go, not knowing what to expect, just that this was an emergency situation! Once they were at L&D they decided that little Henry was going to have to be delivered, ASAP!
Little Henry was born at 27 weeks, weighing 1lb 9oz. Yes – 1 POUND, 9 OUNCES! He was a tiny one. Even the doctor was surprised at how small he was!
But he’s a real Warrior! After spending 4.5 months in the hospital, he finally came home – just in time for Thanksgiving – and his Mom was so excited to finally have his newborn pictures taken (because she really wasn’t sure if this moment would ever come).
So here he is, at 5 months old and almost up to 9lbs! He was wide awake, wanting to check everything out and kept looking at me funny when I was trying to wrap him. It was like he was saying “hey lady – I’ve had my freedom for the last 5 months and you’re trying to wrapped me up again!? No Way!”
But we did get some amazing pictures, some great eye contact, and I know Mom absolutely loves these pictures.
