I know you’re used to seeing mostly newborn babies on this page and it really is what I love doing, but I also have another love – MILESTONE SESSIONS!
Some people refer to these as Six Month pictures, or Birthday Pictures but I prefer to call these Milestone Sessions. Why? Because not every baby reaches their milestones at the same age.
The first milestone I love to photograph is when your baby is sitting up on their own! This is a huge achievement in their little lives and they’re usually so full of laughter and giggles now that they can sit on their own! These sessions are so fun and are my favorite!
The next milestone is their 1st birthday pictures! Sometimes we take these around 10/11 months old and sometimes we wait until after their birthday and bring in a cake for a cake smash session. These sessions are so fun and.. if I’m being honest – exhausting! At 1 year your little one is either scooting around on their bums or up and running around the studio!
During Jordans milestone session we did 2 set ups – one was a simple set up on the floor and the other was on a bed. These are my favorites because we really focus on your baby and not “stuff” around them. They’re less distracting for the baby and they don’t become overwhelmed. (usually!)

Dana Menendez Photography is an award-winning photographer in the Calgary, Alberta area. She provides excellent customer service and offers her clients a variety of photo collections that include prints, albums, and digital images. If you are in the Calgary or Okotoks area and are looking for a milestone photographer, I would love to chat with you!