I’m not going to lie. Everytime I get an inquiry for a milestone session my head goes into a bit of a panic. Not because I don’t love milestone sessions, or that I only want to take newborn pictures, but because …. COVID BABIES!
This is a real thing y’all! These poor babies have spent the first year to year and a half of their lives cooped up in a house with limited exposure to other people – and I don’t blame their parents one bit! I basically did the same thing for my own kids who are 10 and 8!
Stranger Danger is strong with a lot of these babies this year so yes, when I see an inquiry come in for a milestone session I get nervous. I’m not sure if I’m going to get a happy baby who’s all smiles or a scared baby who won’t let go of Mom or Dad!
Thankfully – this little guy was ALL SMILES! He had the biggest and bluest eyes and was happy to have his pictures taken to celebrate his first birthday!