100 Days! This little girl is 100 days and it’s the first time she’s been out of the house (besides doctors appointments) with her Mom.
In some Asian cultures, the 100 days is a huge celebration and a significant milestone in a baby’s life. It was common for babies to pass away within the first 100 days dues to sickness or poor living conditions back in the day, but it’s also a celebration for parents to have survived the first 100 days (am I right?!). I was honored when Charlotte’s Dad contacted me asking if I would help them remember this milestone in their little girls life!
So here’s Charlotte celebrating her 100 day milestone, during a 2020 pandemic! She had a small dose of Stranger Danger at the start of her session but she quickly warmed up! She even took a nap!
Charlotte’s milestone session was one of my favorite sessions of 2020!